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Unveiling the Mystery

of the Bride of Christ

Now available on Amazon!

The Bride Is Not Who You Think It Is

Unveiling the Mystery of the Bride of Christ clears up the mystery of the bride by leading you on a journey through the scriptures, showing without a shadow of a doubt who the bride is and what her "preparation" is all about. The early church knew and understood that God, through his Holy Spirit, was preparing a people, a special group, who would embrace a coming revealed truth and be qualified to reign with Christ at his return when the kingdom of God would be set up on earth. This special group is the bride of Christ, and understanding the mystery of the bride will captivate and motivate believers into achieving their destinies as ordained by Creator God.


Duke Levy, Jr.

has been a student of the Bible for over forty years, with the last twenty-two years spent teaching the uncompromising Word of God. His approach to teaching and understanding the scriptures is to let the Bible interpret itself- that is, letting the Bible interpret its own words or symbols rather than injecting personal opinion or bias. Levy currently lives in Waveland, Mississippi.

In this book, you will discover:

  • The plan of God for mankind

  • Why you were born for such a time as this

  • What role the Bride will play

  • What makes the Bride special

  • What is covenant relationship

  • Who are the "jewels" of God

  • Why God must send "Elijah" in these last days

  • What Torah is all about

  • Why obedience is so important

  • How the love of God is perfected in the believer

  • The meaning of "firstfruits"

  • What the "key of David" is all about

  • The true meaning of the parable of the 10 virgins

"A Very Thought Provoking Book"

We may not see eye-to-eye with Mr. Levy on the interpretation of the scriptures, but we can understand why he believes what he believes.

One instance of this difference would be Mr. Levy thinks we should continue to eat only foods that are clean according to the Old Testament. He may be right. However, our interpretation of Acts 11 leads us to believe that all foods are now clean. Would we be better to err on the side of caution?

Mr. Levy makes some very good points. We cannot judge whether he is right or wrong, theologically speaking. We know what we believe and can see why he believes what he believes.

Unveiling the Mystery of the Bride of Christ is very well-written and well-researched. Mr. Levy has spent years analyzing the scriptures to learn the truth, as he interprets it. We give this book all five stars.

David + Suzanne McClendon

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